운송 비용 안내 비쨔는 배송대행시스템을 사용 중입니다. 최초 상품 구매 시 결제하는 배송비는 ‘중국내배송비(판매자->배송대행지)’이며 배송대행지에 상품이 도착했을 때 무게를 측정해 해외배송, 국내배송 및 통관비가 확정되면 고객분들께 추가로 해당 비용 결제를 요청드립니다. 무게에 따른 비용은 페이지를 참조해 주세요.
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운송 비용 안내 비쨔는 배송대행시스템을 사용 중입니다. 최초 상품 구매 시 결제하는 배송비는 ‘중국내배송비(판매자->배송대행지)’이며 배송대행지에 상품이 도착했을 때 무게를 측정해 해외배송, 국내배송 및 통관비가 확정되면 고객분들께 추가로 해당 비용 결제를 요청드립니다. 무게에 따른 비용은 페이지를 참조해 주세요.
1.范围(Scope) The specifications should be applied to electret condenser microphone of HZSY-4012BP1.8C1033423-GP. 此规格书适用于HZSY-4012BP1.8C1033423-GP型驻极体电容传声器。
2. 储藏与判断条件(Storage And Judgement Conditions)
3.规格(Specifications) Test conditions(VS=2.0V RL=2.2kΩ Temp=20±2℃ R.H=60±5%)
4.测试电路(Test Circuit)
5. 测试装备图(Test Setup Drawing)
6. 频率响应(Frequency & Microphone Response Tolerance)
7.外观图(Appearance Drawing)
8. 可靠性试验(Reliability Test) 在下列试验完成后,在温度为20℃,相对湿度为65%的条件下恢复2小时后进行测试,灵敏度与初始灵敏度相差 在±3dB以内. (All tests should be doneafter 2 hours of conditioningat 20℃, R.H65%, while thesensitivityis to be within±3dB from theinitial sensitivity after the following experiments.)
8.1高温试验(HIGH TEMPERATURE TEST) 温度(High temperature): +70℃ 放置时间(Duration): 96 hours
8.2低温试验( LOW TEMPERATURE TEST) 温度(Low temperature): -40℃ 放置时间(Duration): 96 hours
8.3温度循环试验(如图1) ( TEMPERATURE CYCLE TEST )(See in Fig.1) 低温(Low temperature): -40℃ 高温(High temperature): +70℃ 转化时间(Changeover time): 30min 放置时间(Duration): 60min 次数(Cycle): 5
8.4湿度(STATICAL HUMIDITY TEST) 温度(Temperature): +40℃ 相对湿度(Relative humidity): 90~95% 放置时间(Duration): 96 hours
8.5振动试验(VIBRATION TEST) 振幅(Amplitude): 1.52mm 持续时间(Duration): 1分钟/面( minutes/plane) 频度范围(Freq.range): 10~55Hz 试验时间(Total time): 2小时(hour)
8.6跌落试验(DROP TEST) 不带包装的跌落到20mm厚的地板上( Drop a unit unpacked onto a board of 20mm thick) 高度(Height): 1 m 次数(Cycle): 6 (1 each plane)
8.7静电测试(ESD Test) 在两次无杂质的静电释放暴露中放电.(接触:±8Kv,空气:±15Kv)麦克风在10次暴露后无干扰. The microphone under test must be discharged between each ESD exposure without ground. (contact:±8Kv, air:±15Kv)There is no interference in operation after 10 times exposure.
9.焊接要求(Regarding the Soldering operation) 每个驻极体电容传声器在其麦克风上都有一个FET,这种FET在过热和电流撞击时易损坏,所以对于焊接应遵 循以下操作: -要求使用25W-35W烙铁,并保持320±10℃的温度范围. -在每一个端的焊接应在2秒内完成,以防过热. -禁止单体麦克风焊接.(否则会影响驻极体电容传声器的灵敏度) -最理想的散热装置按以下设计. Every ECM contains a FET with microphone body. This FET easy to damageable from excessive heat andelectrical shock. Proper attention for the soldering work is required same as followings. -Recommend to use 25W-35W ceramic soldering iron and apply 320±10℃ temperature range -Soldering should be accomplished within 2 seconds at each terminal so as not to be overheated. -Do not make a cavity at the surface of lead lump on the PCB. wiring board. (Opened cavity will influence to the sensitivity of ECM) -Optimal design for heat sink pad is same as below.
10. 材料及结构清单(List and Structure of Materials)
11.包装规格(Packing Specifications) 1.Item: Electret Condenser Microphone 2.Model:HZSY-4015BP1.8C1033424-GP 3.Customer: 4.Remarks: plastic bag enclosed in the outer box for moisture proof Packing Method Box Size (unit:mm)